Lost him to Right-wing media/Trump

Brian, Kentucky (6/4/21)

I was born and raised in eastern Kentucky—smack in the middle of conservative territory and coal country. A small town of about 600, only 13,000 in the entire county. Where you either worked in or for the mines or you were working at a grocery store (only 2 of them) or in fast food (only one of those). I was the security manager for 3 of those sites.

Everyone there blames Obama for the loss of coal jobs even though the coal business was dying in the 1990's. There were a few massive layoffs in that decade. Years before that, when my dad turned 18 he registered as a Democrat, When I turned 18, I can distinctly remember him looking at me and saying, "I know what your registered as because I raised you". He was correct, I registered as a Democrat. I thought (and still believe) it is the true party of the working people.

I left EKY in 2001. Moved to a larger town (around 80,000) because the coal business was still fading away. Fast forward to 2008; ironically as I am speaking with my father, he says "the party has left me". Although he was disabled/retired, he joined the aforementioned crowd of blaming Obama for the loss of coal jobs. I told him he was wrong and quit believing the conspiracy news. Unfortunately not only did he keep watching, "his opinions" grew worse.

Then January 6th came. I, like most logical and sensical Americans was appalled at what I watched. I shared the angry Facebook memes on it and posted my opinion. Then my father, who was always a proponent of law and order, military etc. was defending these buffoons. After some back and forth, he unfriended me on Facebook. He claims he didn't, but I was sitting there and literally watched it happen.

I've tried texting him only to get quick, couple word responses. On the times I feel like calling there, my mom (who's almost as bad) will only talk for a few moments. In the past she'd say "want to speak with your dad" but not anymore. Hell, they didn't even acknowledge my son on his high school graduation a few weeks ago.

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